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here are many options available to help fund nursing student education at all levels. This page is devoted to nursing scholarship and loan repayment programs. There are literally hundreds of such scholarships and programs out there, at the local, state and national level. It is impossible to list all the programs right away, so we will add to this page regularly as we discover new scholarships - check back often!
AACCN Education Advancement Scholarship Program for registered nurses in graduate programs who have a 3.00 minimum GPA, are U.S. citizens and are members of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses; one scholarship given annually in the amount of $1,500; application deadline is January 15.
For application and more info:
Director of Scholarships
American Association of Critical Care Nurses
One Civic Plaza
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Hazel Corbin Research Grant is awarded to a midwifery student to cover costs of a supervised research project addressing an aspect of evidence-based midwifery care. Applicants must be enrolled in a midwifery education program that is accredited or pre-accredited by the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM), Division of Accreditation, and that has a supervised research component. The research grant is $5,000 - application deadline is August 1st.
Award guidelines and application materials are available on the Maternity Center Association's website at:
Maternity Center Association
281 Park Avenue South, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10010
Fax: 212-777-9320.
March of Dimes Nursing Scholarship for registered nurses currently enrolled in a graduate program in maternal-child nursing at the masters or doctorate level who belong to either the American College of Nurse-Midwives, the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses, or the National Association of Neonatal Nurses; scholarships given annually varies - award amount is $5,000; application deadline is January 31.
For application and more info:
Nursing Scholarships from the Daughters of the American Revolution for college freshman with nursing majors who are U.S. citizens; number of scholarships given annually varies, as does the amount of the award; application deadlines are April 1 and September 1.
For application and more information:
Office of the Committees-Scholarship
Daughters of the American Revolution
1776 D Street NW
Washington, DC 20006
Oncology Nursing Foundation Scholarship for registered nurses seeking a BA or MA degree; 39 scholarships annually in the amount of $3,000; application deadline is December 1.
For application and more information:
Development Coordinator
Oncology Nursing Foundation
501 Holiday Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
Phoebe Pember Memorial Scholarship for undergraduate nursing students - must belong to the Children of the Confederacy; number of scholarships given annually varies - award amount is $800; application deadline is February 15.
For application and more info:
Second Vice President General
United Daughters of the Confederacy
4616 Guilford Road
College Park MD 20740
Ship Island-Mrs. J. Jones Memorial Scholarship for graduate nursing students - must belong to the Children of the Confederacy; number of scholarships given annually varies - award amount is $800; application deadline is February 15.
For application and more info:
Second Vice President General
United Daughters of the Confederacy
4616 Guilford Road
College Park MD 20740
National Institutes of Health Loan Repayment Program is designed to attract highly qualified physicians, nurses, and scientists to HIV/Aids research and training.
For more information and an application:
NIH Loan Repayment Programs
National Institites of Health
Federal Building, room 604
7550 Wisconsin Avenue
Bethesda,MD 20892-9015
PHONE: (800)-528-7689, TTY 1-800-352-3001
Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program addresses the maldistribution of nurses by providing funds directly to the trained nurse for repayment of undergraduate and graduate loans for nurse training in exchange for the participant serving in a federally designated nursing shortage area. Funds to repay loans are available to nurses who received a baccalaureate or associate degree in nursing, a diploma in nursing or a graduate degree in nursing. All NELRP participants must enter into a contractual agreement to provide full-time clinical care in an approved facility located in a shortage county. In exchange for a 2-year service commitment, the NELRP will pay 60 percent of the participant's total qualifying educational loan balances (up to $30,000), subject to availability of funds. Nursing education loan repayment application packets are available approximately October 1 of each year. The closing date for receipt of applications is around July 31 of each year.
For application and more information:
Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program
Loan Repayment Programs Branch
Division of Scholarships and Loan Repayments
Bureau of Primary Health Center
4350 East-West Highway, 10th Floor
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
301-594-4400 or 1-800-435-6464
301-594-4981 FAX
RNs! Get Your Bachelor's Degree with Resources on Call!
Resources On Call, a top-rated recruiting, staffing and placement firm for healthcare professionals, is  offering a fantastic education assistance program for RNs who wish to complete their bachelor's degree. Resources On Call's Education Assistance Program allows you to work and go to school at the same time so you can earn an income while advancing your skills and education. Resources On Call will pay for your nursing classes (including prereqs!) and you will earn an income while in school - it's a win-win situation! Additionally, they offer job placement assistance when you graduate. Try travel nursing to see the U.S., or opt for permanent placement in your part of the country. To see if you qualify for Resources On Call's program, visit their website at, or contact the Education Team at 1-800-777-3899.
Samuel Merritt Hospital College of Nursing Dean's Scholarship for college freshman enrolled at Samuel Merritt in a nursing major with a GPA of 3.00 or higher; the amount of scholarships given annually varies - award amount is $3,000; deadline unavailable. The also offer a President's Award scholarship with the same criteria and award amount, but GPA must be 3.50 or higher.
For application and more information:
Financial Aid Director
Samuel Merritt Hospital
College of Nursing
370 Hawthorne Avenue
Oakland, CA 94609
Colorado Health Professional Loan Repayment Program is a service-cancellable loan for those pursuing degrees in nursing. Maximum amount is varies by length of educational program. Recipient is required to serve a minimum of 2 years' employment in the stipulated discipline and designated HPSA.
For more information or an application:
T.R. Kaktsky
Colorado, AHEC Programs, Loan Repayment Project
UCHSC, Box A-096, 4200 E. Ninth Avenue
Denver, CO 80262-
PHONE: (303)-270-5885
FAX: (303)-270-5886
Health Foundation of South Florida currently sponsors over ninety baccalaureate level nursing scholarships at four South Florida universities: Barry University, Florida Atlantic University, Florida International University and Lynn University; and twenty masters level nursing scholarships. To date more than $467,000 has been granted to these programs. Scholarships include monies for tuition, books and related student expenses to help those who cannot otherwise afford higher education to obtain a degree.
For application and more info:
Marcus and Theresa Levie Educational Fund Scholarship is need-based and renewable for undergraduate nursing students who live in Cook County, Illinois and are Jewish; scholarships awarded annually varies - award amount is $5,000; application deadline is March 1.
For application and more info:
Jewish Vocational Service
1 South Franklin Street
Chicago, IL 60606
Kansas Nurses Foundation Scholarships - offers 5 general nursing scholarships, 13 endowed scholarships, 1 research grant and 1 managed scholarship each year. Award amounts vary from $300 to $1,000; application deadline is June 30th of each year.
For an application and more info:
Kansas State Nurses Association
1208 S.W. Tyler
Topeka, KS 66612-1735
Phone: (785) 233-8638
FAX: (785) 233-5222
Minnesota League for Nursing Scholarship for RN students at the junior or senior level, or who have completed a masters or doctorate program in nursing; applicant must write a 600-word essay on some aspect of cancer; 4 scholarships given annually - award amount varies; application deadline is in June.
For application and more info:
Sonja Simpson
American Cancer Society Scholarships
PO Box 24713
Edina, MN 55424
Jackie Liesmeyer Nursing Scholarship is a $500 scholarship is available to a Registered Nurse who is working on an undergraduate or graduate nursing degree. For more info or an application, contact:
The Missouri Public Health Association
P.O. Box 126
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: 573-634-7977
Fax: 573-635-7823
The Nebraska Health Care Foundation offers RN, LPN and Dietary scholarships for persons who have worked in long term care facilities and seek to upgrade their education. 10 scholarships are given annually; awards are $500 to $750. For more info or an application, contact:
421 South 9th Street, Suite 137
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508
Phone: (402) 435-3551 Fax: (402) 435-4829
New Hampshire Loan Repayment Program provides up to $10,000 per year, for 2 years, to repay student loans in exchange for two years' service/employment at a federally-designated HPSA and a MUA/MUP.
For more information or an application:
Sadhana Hall, Director, Primary Care Services
Community Health Institute
95 North State Street
Concord, NH 03301
PHONE: (603)-271-4638
FAX: (603)-271-1517
Jefferson Community College Co-American Legion Scholarship for students enrolled at Jefferson Community College in a nursing program; one scholarship awarded annually - award amount varies; application deadline unavailable.
For application and more info:
Director of Scholarships
Jefferson Community College
Outer Coffeen Street
Watertown, NY 13601
North Carolina Scholarship-Loan Program for Health, Science and Mathematics provides service-cancellable loans for nursing education. Legal residents of North Carolina who have been accepted as full-time students in accredited associate, baccalaureate, master's or doctoral programs (in NC) leading to a degree in health, science or mathematics are eligible for this program. The loan obligation may be forgiven through approved employment within the state of North Carolina provided the recipient works in the field for which he/she was funded. One calendar year of full-time employment in designated shortage areas is required for each school year a loan was received.
Mountain States Health Alliance Scholarship/Loan Program for junior and senior level nursing students at Milligan College; number of scholarships given annually varies - award amount is $6,000 per year, up to $12,000. MSHA will then forgive the loan at a rate of $4,000 per year for every year the nursing graduate works at a MSHA facility. Otherwise, students can repay the MSHA loan at a low interest rate. Application deadline unavailable.
For application and more info:
Presbyterian Healthcare System Scholarship for undergraduate students with allied health or nursing majors; the number of scholarships given annually varies - award amount is $2,500; deadline unavailable.
For application and more info:
Employment Manager
Presbyterian Healthcare System
8200 Walnut Hill Lane
Dallas, TX 75231
Baptist Nursing Merit Scholarship for college freshman enrolled at Lynchburg College - must be a nursing major and a Baptist; the amount of scholarships given annually varies - award amount is $1,100. application deadline is March 1.
For application and more info:
Director of Admissions
Lynchburg College
Lynchburg, VA 24501
Elizabeth R. Thomas Alumni Scholarship Fund for entering associate degree nursing students at Shoreline Community College; number of scholarships given annually, award amounts and application deadline unavailable.
For application and more info:
Shoreline Community College Foundation
16101 Greenwood Ave. N.,
Seattle, WA 98133-5696
Royal College of Nursing Remote & Rural Nursing Scholarships for enrolled or registered nurses with a commitment to remote and rural nursing. Examples of awards include funding for individual clinical placement, skills refresher courses, short courses, higher education programs, re-entry programs, and conference registration and travel.
For application and more info: