You Hate Public Speaking by Jenette K. Rotatori-Zubero |
Five Ways To Take the Opportunity When… You Hate Public Speaking For some reason public speaking makes us nervous. I don't know if it's fear of being asked a question we don't have the answer to, or if it's a fear that everyone is laughing at your outfit. All I know is that I've heard many people say they won't do it, period. Unfortunately, this type of attitude can really hinder your career goals. Don't let a little fear get in the way if your success. 1. Take the opportunity to join a speakers association. They will give you the practice and encouragement you need to start your speaking success. 2. Take the opportunity to face your fear. At the next dinner party, get up and make a one minute "toast" to the host and hostess. No matter how nervous you are, do it. The more often you face your fears in little steps like this, the easier they will be to overcome on the big "speech" day. 3. Take the opportunity to take notes about YOURSELF. Set up your camcorder and video yourself giving a little speech. Take notes listing ten things you really liked about your speech and ten things that could stand to be improved. Don't do one without the other. 4. Take the opportunity to encourage yourself. Imagine all the awful things you want to say to yourself about public speaking. Write them down, stick them in an envelope and put it in a drawer. Now write down twenty encouraging things to yourself and keep it in in plain view as you practice. 5. Take the opportunity to learn from the best. Go to seminars and functions with guest speakers. Make it a point to talk to them and ask them how they do it. People love to talk about themselves and will probably offer suggestions that helped them along. Take their advise and apply it. Public speaking can be cause for fear, but just because you're scared doesn't mean you shouldn't push yourself to succeed at it. GO FOR IT!!
Are you a Career Woman who wants to move up the corporate ladder, start a business, loose weight, start a relationship or the like? Does your schedule keep you from doing the things that are most important to you? Do you want more but aren't sure where to start? Jenette Zubero ( Strategist Jenette Zubero can work with you to find strategies and solutions that will propell you to all that you want out of life. Strategist Zubero is the owner of includes a gender exclusive discussion list, solution-based articles,an on-site strategist, and other practical tools you can put to use immediately. Stop by and visit for awhile and you start reaching ALL your goals.