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Human Anatomy: Unit 3
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   Self-Tests - Human Anatomy:
 The Endocrine & Nervous Systems
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This test has 40 questions, covering the endocrine and nervous systems.  It is the third of five quizzes in the Human Anatomy section.  Good luck!

1. The two anatomical divisions of the nervous system are:
somatic and peripheral
peripheral and autonomic
central and peripheral
central and autonomic

2. The somatic nervous system and autonomic (visceral) nervous systems comprise which functional division of the peripheral nervous system?
all of the above

3. The two distinct types of cells composing neural tissue are:
neurons and neuroglia
astrocytes and microglia
somas and axons
satellite cells and Schwann cells

4. The type of sensory neurons that monitor the position of the skeletal muscles and joints is the:

5. The main difference between somatic motor neurons and visceral motor neurons is that the visceral motor neuron innervates:
skeletal muscle as its effector
peripheral effectors other than skeletal muscle
somatic effectors other than skeletal muscle
interneurons of the central nervous system

6. The three major nerve plexi are:
cranial, cervical, brachial
thoracic, lumbar, sacral
cervical, brachial, lumbosacral
brachial, lumbar, sacral

7. Cerebrospinal fluid is NOT found circulating in the:
subarachnoid space of the cranial meninges
ventricles of the brain
central canal of the spinal cord

8. The structure of the diencephalon that contains centers involved with emotions, autonomic function and hormone production is the:
median eminence

9. Which structure is NOT located in the region of the brain known as the mesencephalon or midbrain?
corpora quadrigemina
substantia nigra
superior colliculus
cerebellar vermis

10. In what structures of the vestibular complex are receptors for the sensations of gravity and linear acceleration located?
saccule and ampulla
utricle and semicircular canals
semicircular canals and ampulla
saccule and utricle

11. Cranial nerves than innervate the extrinsic eye muscles include:
olfactory, oculomotor, hypoglossal
abducens, trigeminal, trochlear
trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, oculomotor
oculomotor, trochlear, abducens

12. The _____ divison innervates visceral organs and tissues throughout the body, while the _____ division innervates only visceral structures served by cranial nerves or lying in the abdominopelvic cavity.
parasympathetic, sympathetic
sympathetic, parasympathetic
central, peripheral
preganglionic, postganglionic

13. Which of the following is NOT true of neurons?
They all conduct nerve impulses
They are the most abundant cells of nervous tissue
They cannot divide mitotically
They all release chemical regulators

14. Which of the following is NOT an actual structural component of a neuron or an organelle within a neuron?
chromatophilic substance

15. The neuroglia that form myelin in the CNS and guide the development of neurons in the CNS are:

16. Which of the following is NOT a paired cerebral lobe?
the sphenoidal lobe
the occipital lobe
the temporal lobe
the frontal lobe

17. Fiber tracts that connect one cerebral lobe to another within the same hemisphere are known as:
association fibers
intrinsic fibers
commissural fibers
spindle fibers

18. The respiratory center of the pons is called the:
apneustic area
pulmonic area
pneumotaxic area
both a and c

19. The nuclei of all but two of the cranial nerves are located within the:
hypothalamus and medulla oblongata
cerebrum and midbrain
midbrain and brain stem
cerebellum and medulla oblongata

20. Cranial nerves that are sensory only include the:
optic, vestibulocochlear and vagus nerves
olfactory, optic and facial nerves
olfactory, optic and vestibulocochlear nerves
optic, facial and vestibulocochlear nerves

21. Which of the following combinations relating plexus to nerve derivation is incorrect?
brachial plexus and radial nerve
sacral plexus and the sciatic nerve
lumbar plexus and the median nerve
cervical plexus and the phrenic nerve

22. Which of the following glands is NOT endocrine?
adrenal glands
parotid glands
parathyroid glands
pineal glands

23. Which of the following is NOT exclusively an endocrine gland?
thryoid gland
pituitary gland
pineal gland

24. The muscles of the neck and diaphragm, as well as the skin of the neck, shoulder and upper breast are innervated by:
cervical plexus
brachial plexus
lumbosacral plexus
all of the above

25. The nerves of the brachial plexus serve the:
head and neck
neck and arm
shoulder girdle and arm
thorax and shoulder girdle

26. The thalamus:
acts as a relay and processing center for sensory information
coordinates the pyramidal and extrapyramidal systems
both of the above
none of the above

27. In the parasympathetic divison of the ANS, the preganglionic (first-order) neurons are located in the:
peripheral ganglia
brain stem and sacral segments of the spinal cord
thoracolumbar segments of the spinal cord
adrenal medulla

28. The postganglionic (second order) parasympathetic neurons are located:
near the spinal cord in chain ganglia
in the ventral roots of spinal nerves
in intramural ganglia or in ganglia adjacent to the target organs
in collateral ganglia near major abdominal arteries

29. Approximately 75% of all parasympathetic outflow is provided by the:
oculomotor nerve
glossopharyngeal nerve
facial nerve
vagus nerve

30. Vital autonomic functions regulated by the medulla come from reflex centers known as the:
apneustic and respiratory rhythmicity centers
pneumotaxic and respiratory rhythmicity centers
cardiovascular and respiratory rhythmicity centers
cardiovascular and pneumotaxic rhythmicity centers

31. The auditory ossicles, tiny levers of bone that transfer sound vibrations to fluid-filled chambers within the inner ear, are the:
malleus, incus and stapes
saccule, utricle and vestibule
macula, cochlea and ampulla
stapes, saccule and semicircular canals

32. The two types of photoreceptor cells of the retina are:
horizontal cells and amacrine cells
bipolar cells and ganglion cells
rods and cones
all of the above

33. The vascular tunic includes:
sclera, cornea, limbus
iris, ciliary body, choroid
vitreous body, lens, retina
macula, fovea, optic disc

34. The precentral gyrus is an important motor area located within the:
occipital lobe
sphenoidal lobe
parietal lobe
frontal lobe

35. The structure that is NOT located in the diencephalon is the:
pituitary gland

36. The regulation of which of the following is NOT attributed to the hypothalamus?
body temperature
electrolyte balance

37. Enclosed regions of the meninges that collect venous blood and drain it to the internal jugular veins of the neck are called:
arachnoid villi
epidural spaces
subarachnoid spaces
dural sinuses

38. Which of the following statements is false concerning the spinal cord?
The spinal cord terminates at the conus medullaris
There are enlargements of the spinal cord at each vertebral segment
The gray matter is H-shaped and deep to the white matter
The spinal cord ends at the level of L1

39. A body structure or body region that is NOT innervated by nerves arising from the sacral plexus is the:
lower back
abdominal wall

40. All of the following are components of a reflex arc EXCEPT:
sympathetic trunk
sensory neuron

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