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 This page was last updated on 15-Jun-02

Main Menu / Lifelines / Human Anatomy
   Coursework Lifelines:
   Human Anatomy
natomy is a challenge.  It's not that the class is full of difficult concepts or anything - it's just the volume of information you need to memorize that's the killer.  Absolutely do NOT put off studying for this class.  You need to learn as you go, or you will be lost.  If you can commit to consistent studying on a daily basis for this class, you will be okay - but you have to put the time in - there's no other way to pass this class.

To help you out, we've scouted some great internet resources you can use to supplement your studies:

Our Human Anatomy self-tests are broken down into 5 units:
Histology and the skeletal system
Musculatory system
Nervous and endocrine systems
Circulatory and respiratory systems, and
Digestive and reproductive systems.
The link above will take you to the first test in the series.  The tests are in multiple-choice format, with automatic online grading - and they're pretty challenging, too!

This anatomy tutorial was developed by a professor at Cambridge University.  It includes diagrams, tips, and mnemonics for remembering important aspects of anatomy, with lists of questions that bring out the relevance and test understanding of basic principles.  

Virtual Anatomy is designed so that students, teachers, and just about any one, can learn more about anatomy. They have used the latest technologies available in order to create a more comprehensive learning experience. There are really good tutorials on 12 different body systems, a 3-D body and "Disco Stu" - a dancing, interactive VRML character who teaches you about joints and movement.

This site has an indepth tutorial on human anatomy and physiology.  Each section is followed up by an online quiz to test your knowledge.


Anatomy Help Cards feature outlines, key terms, charts, formulas, definitions and diagrams that you'll need for anatomy success. Print it out, and you've got a handy portable anatomy guide that you can use anytime, anywhere.

Vesalius Image Archives has 1000's of anatomy images you can download for use in studying.  Click on the button below for more info:

More resources will be added as we find them.  If you know of a great online resource for anatomy,
let us know!  E-mail your suggestions to

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