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 This page was last updated on 15-Jun-02

Main Menu / Lifelines / Chemistry
   Coursework Lifelines:
hemistry is one of the more difficult science courses.  Oh, it starts out easy enough...but watch out - midway through the semester you may find yourself wondering if you are in the same class you started out in.  Make sure you have the concepts you learn in the first two months of the class down pat - you need a solid understanding to move on through the rest of the course, which gets really complicated fast.

To help you out, we've scouted some great internet resources you can use to supplement your studies:

Our Chemistry self-tests are broken down into 5 units, 2 of which are currently online (the rest are coming soon).
The link above will take you to the first test in the series.  The tests are in multiple-choice format, with automatic online grading.  Moderately challenging, but not too difficult.  Good for testing basic understanding of core concepts.

The website was developed by my chemistry teacher, Csilla Duneczky, and it is fantastic!  She made it to help students in her class, but anyone can use it.  Included are her lecture notes, chapter outlines, automatically graded quizzes and practice exams with solutions.  This covers both the lecture class and the lab section, and is very well organized. You can print off the lecture notes to use as a targeted study guide - I credit this site for helping me get an A.

This is a free online course guide that includes hyperlinked notes, interactive tutorials, question and answer boards, an exam survival guide, and virtual laboratories and classrooms.  
It also features a searchable database of over 800 common compound names, formulas, structures, and properties, and a FAQ section with over 400 frequently asked chemistry questions.


Chemistry Help Cards feature outlines, key terms, charts, formulas, definitions and diagrams that you'll need for chemistry success. Print it out, and you've got a handy portable chemistry guide that you can use anytime, anywhere.

Sym21 provides practice for students in writing chemical formulas and names.

More resources will be added as we find them.  If you know of a great online resource for chemistry,
let us know!  E-mail your suggestions to

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