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 This page was last updated on 15-Jun-02

Main Menu / Lifelines / Pathophysiology
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athophysiology is the study of how disease affects the functioning of the body.  It has some particularly difficult concepts, but the material is fascinating.

To help you out, we've scouted some great internet resources you can use to supplement your studies:

Need info on a particular disease? Search MEDLINEplus:   
This site has tutorials and information on cardiology, pulmonary disease, hematology, gastrointestinal disease, surgery, renal, endocrine, rheumatology, etc. Includes lecture outline notes and a final exam practice quiz. Geared to med students, but good information on acid-base, fluids and electrolytes, EKGs, and disease processes.

From the University of Minnesota, this site has a great online tutorial of infectious disease pathology, including manifestations of infection, lab markers, host, pathogens and environment.

Online case studies in pathophysiology, including central nervous system, vascular infections, HIV manifestations, pulmonary infections, STDs, tuberculosis, etc. Some sections include information on epidemiology. This is a fun way to test your knowledge!

From OSU, this online guide includes course notes and links to web resources for each section.  Covers genes and genetic disorders; stress response, risk factors and environment; inflammation; cancer; integumentary system; pain; musculoskeletal and motor system; cognition; endocrine; hematology; cardiovascular; pulmonary; renal; gastrointestinal and reproductive.

This is a free search service based on the Internet Illness and Disease URL Directory Database, which contains 33,000 illness and disease links.  If you need information on a particular disease or condition, you can submit your request and a list of internet links will be sent to you via e-mail, saving you search time on the net!

This is McGill University's tutorial on the physical exam with emphasis on auscultation, a brief review of selected cardiac and pulmonary physiology/pathophysiology topics, and a virtual stethoscope interface for auscultating normal and abnormal cardiac and respiratory sounds

This is a page of links to various tutorials, illustrations, lecture notes and articles on pathophysiology - broken down into major systems.

More resources will be added as we find them.  If you know of a great online resource for pathophysiology, let us know!  E-mail your suggestions to

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