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Snapshot of the NCLEX
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NCLEX Examination:
Snapshot: The NCLEX
he questions on the NCLEX are all multiple-choice with four possible answer choices. Any necessary background information will appear with the question. Some questions will appear without background information.
The questions on the NCLEX involve integrated nursing content. Many nursing programs are based on the medical model. Students take separate medical, surgical, pediatric, psychiatric, and obstetric classes. However, on the NCLEX, all content is integrated.
Look at the following question.
A 23-year-old woman with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is returned to the recovery room one hour after an uneventful delivery of a 9 lb., 8 oz., baby boy. The nurse would expect the woman's blood sugar to
(1) rise.
(2) fall.
(3) remain stationary.
(4) fluctuate.
Is this an obstetrical question or a medical/surgical question? In order to select the correct answer,(2), you must consider the pathophysiology of diabetes along with the principles of labor and delivery. This is an example of an integrated question.
The NCLEX is organized according to the framework, "Meeting Client Needs." There are four major categories:
 Safe and Effective Care Environment.
 Health Promotion and Maintenance.
 Psychosocial Integrity.
 Physiological Integrity.
There are ten subcategories:
 Management of Care.
 Safety and Infection Control.
 Growth and Development.
 Prevention and Early Detection of Disease.
 Psychosocial Adaptation.
 Basic Care and Comfort.
 Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies.
 Reduction of Risk Potential.
 Physiological Adaptation.
Copyright ©2001 by Kaplan Inc. NCLEX is a registered trademark of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. and is not affiliated with this site.