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About This Site:
he material presented on The Student Nurse Forum is intended to be used for informational purposes. All information has been researched by the site leader and is believed to be correct and current as of the most recent date of publication; however, the following disclaimers apply:
Medical Information Disclaimer
The content provided by The Student Nurse Forum is for informational purposes only and is in no way intended to be a substitute for medical consultation with a qualified professional. It is not the intention of The Student Nurse Forum to provide any medical advice and our policy is that specific medical advice will not be given in any circumstance. The Student Nurse Forum urges you to consult with a qualified physician for diagnosis and for answers to your personal questions. Additionally, we encourage internet users to be careful when using any medical information, from any source.
Although we carefully review our content and evaluate it for accuracy, The Student Nurse Forum cannot guarantee nor take responsibility for the medical accuracy of documents we publish, nor can we assume any liability for the content of web sites linked to our site. For more information, please review our Terms & Conditions Agreement.
Content & Links Disclaimer
All content provided on this website has been researched prior to publication and evaluated for accuracy to the best of our ability. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, The Student Nurse Forum cannot guarantee nor take responsibility for the accuracy of documents we publish, nor can we assume any liability for the content of web sites linked to our site. For more information, please review our Terms & Conditions Agreement.
The views and opinions of authors expressed on websites linked herein or communicated in our forums (chat, message boards, instant messenger) do not necessarily state or reflect those of The Student Nurse Forum. We provide links to other internet sites only for the convenience of World Wide Web users. We are not responsible for the availability or content of these external sites, nor do we endorse, warrant or guarantee the products, services or information described or offered at these other Internet sites. For more information, please review our Terms & Conditions Agreement.
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