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The Nursing Leadership Award:
Award Winners
he developers of the following websites have demonstrated a deep commitment to the field of nursing and are actively contributing to the growth and development of the profession. They are advocates, educators, supporters and visionaries. Their positive impact on the future of nursing deserves our recognition and praise.
These excellent resources, the result of countless hours of work, all offer superb content, a well-defined purpose and quality web design. It is with great pleasure that we present the winners of the Nursing Leadership Award:
Nursing web pages for the professional and student nurse featuring: monthly nursing newsletters & editorials, student nursing interactives and links, nursing organizations from A to Z, state boards of nursing, disease processes by system links and much more!
The Nursing Web Pages are full of helpful and interesting resources. From the monthly newsletter and editorials to the Q&A column, there's something for everyone - nurses and students, alike. Allyson has also compiled a most comprehensive, categorized listing of quality internet nursing resources. We're especially excited about the soon to be added "Drug Cliff Notes" feature - be sure to check it out!
We provide educational opportunites for healthcare professionals through articles,free tutoring for nursing students, information, news, and an extensive resource index.
NursingNotes is a fantastic resource for nursing students and healthcare professionals. The free Information Center offers a comprehensive treatment of many topics, including drug math, a CPR drugs, a heart rate information, hemodynamic parameters and an antimicrobial guide. Educational products developed by Kristi Brookshire, webmaster, include the ABCs of ABGs and Victory Over Ventilators. The Resource Index provides a comprehensive, categorized listing of internet sites useful to nursing students and professionals, alike. Students will also want to take advantage of Kristi's free e-mail tutoring service to help master difficult nursing concepts and material!
Initially a discussion forum for ADN students at Mesa Community College (AZ), NurSpeak now offers tools and information for RN-to-BSNs and practicing nurses anywhere.
Every so often, a site comes along that just leaves us speechless. NurSpeak is one of those sites. Student nurses, in particular, will find this to be one of the most valuable resources on the internet. It includes an incredibly thorough student nurse survival guide, wonderful articles and op-ed pieces, an active message board and a host of online tools and downloads offering assistance with everything from hemodynamics to drug dosage calculations. Be sure to also check out the developing pathophysiology study guide!
This is the home page for the School of Nursing at the University of Virginia. The site does a good of providing a portal to many different audiences (students, alumni, faculty etc.) while still maintaining its ease of use.
This is a wonderfully designed website that addresses the information needs of UVSON's students, faculty and alumni. In addition to standard program information, it includes research resources, public service/outreach opportunities, and current news.
Nurses getting together to promote evidence based maternity nursing which is undoubtedly more family centered and mother/baby friendly than that which is currently practiced in most labor and delivery units. We desire to help nurses see that there is a way through autonomous practice to uphold the research and provide optimal care.
Not only is the ANAC's website beautifully designed, it is also an invaluable resource for maternal child health nursing. Loaded with up-to-date articles on legislation, research, practice issues and educational topics, this site is content rich. Be sure to check out the Student's Corner and Parents Speak!
Complete information for those who currently are CNAs or who wish to become CNA's. Included is information on becoming a CNA; study aids; resident rights; abuse and neglect; diseases and disorders; hospice, death and dying; industry news and reader-submitted writings.
The Certified Medical Assistants site is nothing short of fantastic - and such a much-needed resource on the net. Rachel Giarrizzo has developed a site that is professional, educational, supportive and informative - a remarkable touchstone for the CNA community. Be sure to check out the CNA forums for information sharing and support.
Comprehensive coverage of refugee health issues, including issues in refugee health and resettlement, populations, and infectious diseases.
I cannot adequately express what a deeply moving site this is. Refugee Health adds an eloquent and powerful human perspective to the critical issues faced by refugees. In-depth information is available on refugee and immigrant populations, cultural backgrounds and common health concerns. This site was developed by Charles Kemp, FNP-C, noted author, clinical nursing instructor and lecturer. His dedication to, and advocacy for, the refugee populations he serves exemplifies the highest ideals of the nursing profession. Be sure to also visit the clinic site below.
The Agape/Community Care site is a cooperative community ministry and health program of the Agape Clinic, Louise Herrington School of Nursing at Baylor University, Grace United Methodist Church, Emanuel Lutheran Church, First Presbyterian Church, East Dallas Cooperative Parish, Common Grace Ministries, and other health, spiritual, and social service organizations.
Another site developed by Charles Kemp, the Agape/Community Care site is more than just a web page about a community service organization. In addition to information on the clinic's services and background, the Agape site also features a wonderful terminal illness guide for patients and families, asian and refugee health information and a most noteworthy guide to developing or improving small community-based primary care clinics. An invaluable resource for community health practitioners!
The Laryngospasms are a group of five nurse anesthetists that take familiar tunes & twist the lyrics to create hilarious medical parodies! We have performed all over the country and have found a unique way to support and encourage advanced practice nursing.
The Laryngospasms are a breath of fresh air, providing much needed humor and entertainment for nursing professionals. Particularly noteworthy is their dedication to promoting the advanced practice specialty of nurse anesthesiology, using their website as a platform for resource sharing and information. This is truly a unique group of nurses with a creative vision - be sure to sample their musical parodies on their website!
Employer direct nursing jobs, free and commercial continuing education courses for nurses and allied health professionals, onsite critical care tutorials and simulators, medical software, scrubs, professional medical supplies, extensive resources for nurses and health professionals, original articles, news, and community.
Sara Ollar, owner of Medi-Smart, devotes an enormous amount of time to locating new resources and developing quality content to benefit nursing professionals - she is truly an asset and role model for the field. Be sure to check out Med-Smart's MedCenter Guide to Diseases and Conditions, which offers up-to-date medical information on over 200 chronic and life-threatening conditions. This comprehensive listing is an invaluable resource for healthcare professionals!
A nurse owned, web centric company devoted to bringing health care employers and the nursing community together. financially supports nursing educational opportunities, and features original articles, headline nursing news, a monthly nurs-e-zine and much more for nurses by nurses.
Pat Mahan, owner of, works tirelessly for the betterment of the profession. A leader and advocate, he is the embodiment of the spirit and intent of this award, devoting significant time and financial resources to help nurses achieve their goals and realize their potential. If you have your own nursing website, be sure to check out's "Market & Build Your Site" section, which has fantastic advice and resources to make your site a success.
Promotion of the nursing profession via imprinted garments that reflect a nurse's specialty practice area. All grapics are nurse designed to reflect confidence & competence in the clinical setting. It is our goal to restore the unique image of nursing professionals in a virtual sea of caregivers.
Kris and Karen, co-founders of, are passionate about the public image of nurses and seek to promote the many essential, valuable roles nurses play in the healthcare field. Their creative, original products remind nurses to be proud of their vital contributions in providing compassionate, professional care. Be sure to read about why all of their garments are organic, and check out their unique security jewelry.
Resource site for nursing and nursing to be students, including study tips and class notes.
Don't be fooled by Louise's brief description of her's one of the very best student nurse resources on the web. The Student Nurse's Study Lounge has one of the most comprehensive tutoring/class notes sections for chemistry and anatomy we've come across, presenting information in an easy-to-follow format that helps students understand difficult concepts. Truly an invaluable website for the student nurse community.
Health education website offering information on occupational health, labor accident statistics, anatomy, lab/surgical procedures and diagnostic test information, dietary guidelines for specific health conditions, chat and many resources. Language: Spanish
Enfermia en Internet es Educar en Salud (Internet Health Education Website) is an extensive, well-planned site primarily focused on occupational health. Easy to use and understand, the site serves to educate patients and nurses, alike, about labor-related accidents and occupational health nursing. Especially interesting are the pages devoted to dietary guidelines for specific medical conditions and the lab/surgical procedures information. Jacqueline Wigodski, website creator, has done a tremendous job of taking complex procedures and making them easy to understand!
A lighthearted look at nursing in the UK.
Modest description aside, Tracy Taylor's Worldwide Ward is refreshing, entertaining and utterly enjoyable! A nurse from the UK currently living in Russia, Tracy has developed an incredible resource for nurses that is both informative and FUN. Interactive quizzes, clinical refreshers, plenty of humor and an indepth look at nursing in the UK make this site a outstanding gem in the internet nursing community.
An online resource for U.S. nursing jobs. Aimed primarily at international nurses, offers free nursing jobs posting service, online resources for immigration and occupational visas, and an online NCLEX review exam.
Ezekiel Sarsoza, Jr. has made it his personal mission to help Filipino and other international nurses avoid being defrauded by illegal recruiters. Offering accurate, insightful, free information and resources on immigration and visas, he provides an invaluable service to nurses who wish to practice in the United States. Other outstanding resources on include the free NCLEX review exam (try it - it's great!) and a free job posting service for employers and those seeking jobs.
The mission of Transcultural Nursing is to provide insight and guidance on cultural behaviors and the need to understand people's actions from their own cultural perspective in health and illness.
Victor and Kathy Fernandez, both Critical Care RNs, have worked and volunteered around the world. Drawing on their personal experiences, and those of others, they hope to promote understanding and eliminate prejudices in the healthcare field. Transcultural nursing aims to educate nursing professionals about the complexities of caring for patients from diverse cultural backgrounds, with the ultimate goal of developing culturally competent nurses. This site is a must-visit for all nurses.
Designed by a professional librarian in direct response to requests from nursing students, this award-winning site contains critical evaluations of more than 200 sites concerned with culture, religion and medicine.
Ellen Bosman of Indiana University Northwest has created the most thorough listing of multicultural resources I have seen on the internet. While I typically do not award sites that are a compendium of links, the Transcultural and Multicultural Health Links web site fills a unique need in the nursing community. Truly an outstanding, comprehensive resource for students and nurses alike, it is in harmony with the spirit and intent of this award. It's mission is clear and focused, and the site is most deserving of recognition for the countless hours that went into its creation.
Support for nursing students in the U.K., including research, abstracts, current news, information on paediatrics and A&P, message boards, resources and helpful links.
Wayne Smith, creator of U.K. Student Nurse, has created a wonderful resource for nursing students that focuses on helping students find the information they need without having to be web experts. In combination with his well-written, original content and a top-notch forum for information exchange, this site is a quality resource for future nurses.