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Volume I, Issue 6
The Student Nurse Advisor - Volume I, Issue 6 - July 15, 2001
The Student Nurse Advisor
The #1 E-Zine for Nursing Students!
Welcome to the July, 2001 issue of The Student Nurse Advisor, your first source
for nursing articles, topical news and student resources!
Special Report: Reality Shock For New Grads
Best Practice News:
Feature Articles:
Regular Features:
SPECIAL REPORT: Reality Shock For New Grads
NOTE: To read the full article, click on the title.
The transition from the role of student nurse to staff nurse has been investigated extensively by Marlene Kramer and labeled "reality shock." If students and preceptors alike understand the phases of this phenomenon, it will better facilitate the successful transition of the new grad into their chosen profession.
Nursing Standard Online
The transition from student to staff nurse has always been seen as a challenging and stressful time in the working life of a nurse, yet it is an area that has seen little research. In the light of recent debate on the effectiveness of Project 2000 training, this survey looks at the perceived occupational stresses experienced by Project 2000 trained staff nurses during their first six months as qualified practitioners.
Donna Cardillo, RN, MS
In spite of all the changes occurring in healthcare, there is a place for you. This article focuses on the job market, overcoming the "experience required" barrier and keeping focused on your career goals.
Louisiana State Nurses Association
This article was designed to help the energetic "new nurses" who are exchanging the comfort of the school setting for the reality of the work world. Developer Carol A. Tingle, MSN, RN says, "You have heard the term 'reality shock;' workplace advocacy strategies could help you experience 'static electricity' rather than 'electrocution."
Nursing Spectrum
If you develop a clearly written, easy-to-remember statement of your life’s purpose, you will never regret the short amount of time you spent in this endeavor. A mission statement helps clarify what you are all about – why you chose nursing as your profession, who you wish to serve, and how you’re going to go about it. After you have your mission statement developed, memorized, and emblazoned on your heart, some very interesting things will begin to happen in your life!
NOTE: To read the full article, click on the title.
Royal District Nursing Service
This project developed a model of best practice for the prevention and management of client initiated violence toward community workers, with an emphasis on nurses and other healthcare practitioners. The model has been implemented in RDNS, evaluated and disseminated to other organisations in the domiciliary care and aged care industries.
Best Practice Network
Challenges facing post-acute care include the critical shortage of long-term care nursing staff, use of temporary staff unfamiliar with facility policies and patients, and many non-verbal confused patients unable to express their needs. This project took a unique approach by utilizing line staff rather than managers, supervisors or CQI professionals to review patient care, research literature and processes for improvement and provide effective and creative solutions related to polypharmacy, pain management and psychotherapeutic drug use.
Postgraduate Medicine
Pearls are short, practical medical tips submitted by readers that may not be widely known but can be used to solve everyday clinical problems. While this site is intended for physicians, many of these pearls of wisdom are applicable to nursing care, as well.
NOTE: To read the full article, click on the title
Tom Trimble, RN
If the thought of starting IV lines makes you panic, get a shot of confidence here. A fellow RN shares the secrets to his successes in this well-written and attractive article.
McGill University
In this educational resource you will find a tutorial on the physical exam with emphasis on auscultation;
a brief review of selected cardiac and pulmonary physiology/pathophysiology topics; a virtual stethoscope interface for auscultating normal and abnormal cardiac and respiratory sounds; and
powerful and interactive quizzes to help with mastery of the stethoscope.
University of Manitoba
The process of physical assessment involves three phases: the interview, the physical examination, and documentation. Included in the documentation phase are: formulation of the nursing diagnosis, goals and plans for patient care. This online guide discusses the criteria for each phase.
The College of Wooster
Most of your nursing papers will be written in APA format. While the APA Publications Manual is the definitive authority on the style, this crib sheet is also a handy and convenient resource.
Going crazy waiting for the results of your NCLEX exam? There is a 900 "hotline" you can call to get the unofficial results 3 working days after you sit the exam. The catch? There is a flat fee ($7.95) for the call, and only 17 states participate currently; however, if you live in one of those states and can't wait a minute longer, NCLEX Results By Phone is just what the nurse ordered!
Arguably one of the most popular nursing websites on the net, is an amazing resource for student nurses. The best feature is the message boards, hands-down the most active boards on the web. There is a special section for nursing students to share and support each other - or browse the many other specialty categories to get a feel for what "real" nurses encounter every day. If you are looking to learn about the things they just don't teach you in nursing school, this is the place to go. Be sure to also check out the resource pages for nursing students, and the top sites listing of other popular nursing websites (many of which have been rated by peers).
This month, The Student Nurse Advisor offers some tips finding balance:
DO remember to make time for yourself. Between work, school and family, it is easy to lose yourself in the process. Allow yourself 20 minutes in a bubble bath or indulge in a special treat. Taking care of yourself will improve your chances of staying motivated.
DO set aside time for your family. Whether it is one day a week or 30 minutes at dinner - make it "family time only." No school, no work - focus on them during this time. They need to know they are a priority, too.
DO keep your eye on the prize - things are crazy right now, but it won't last forever.
DON'T try to be superhuman. Relax your standards where you can, so you can focus your energies on the things that matter most. Can you delegate projects at work? Instead of an immaculate house, can you settle for a "sanitary mess" until you get through school? Lighten up and let go of those things you can.
Looking For A Job?
Looking for a job now that you have graduated? Still in school but curious about salaries, benefits and what kinds of positions are available? Check out our brand-new Employment Ads section. As always, it is completely free to you (and employers, too!) - you can browse the listings and respond online if you find a good match you would like to pursue. Listings are categorized by location for easy reference. Pop over for a look today!
Are You A Graduate Nurse or An Experienced Nurse?
A Graduate Nurse throws up when the patient does.
An experienced nurse calls housekeeping when a patient throws up
A Graduate Nurse wears so many pins on their name badge you can't read it.
An experienced nurse doesn't wear a name badge for liability reasons
A Graduate Nurse loves to run to codes.
An experienced nurse makes graduate nurses run to codes.
A Graduate Nurse keeps detailed notes on a pad.
An experienced nurse writes on the back of their hand, paper scraps, napkins, etc.
A Graduate Nurse can hear a beeping I-med at 50 yards.
An experienced nurse can't hear any alarms at any distance.
A Graduate Nurse loves to hear abnormal heart and breath sounds.
An experienced nurse doesn't want to know about them unless the patient is symptomatic.
A Graduate Nurse thinks people respect nurses.
An experienced nurse knows everybody blames everything on the nurse.
A Graduate Nurse looks for a chance "to work with the family."
An experienced nurse avoids the family.
A Graduate Nurse always answers their phone.
An experienced nurse checks their caller ID before answering the phone.
A Graduate Nurse carries reference books in their bag.
An experienced nurse carries magazines, lunch, and some "cough syrup" in their bag.
A Graduate Nurse doesn't find this funny.
An experienced nurse does.
Thank you for subscribing to The Student Nurse Advisor! We welcome your thoughts always. Please e-mail Stephanie Thibeault at with your comments and suggestions!
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