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Volume I, Issue 9
The Student Nurse Advisor - Volume I, Issue 9 - November 15, 2001
The Student Nurse Advisor
The #1 E-Zine for Nursing Students!
Welcome to the November, 2001 issue of The Student Nurse Advisor, your first source
for nursing articles, topical news and student resources!
Special Report: Finding a Mentor
Feature Articles:
Regular Features:
SPECIAL REPORT: Finding a Mentor
NOTE: To read the full article, click on the title.
What does mentoring mean to a nursing student? Vance and Olson (1998) define mentorship as a developmental, empowering and nurturing relationship extending over time. It encompasses mutual sharing, learning, and growth promotion in an atmosphere of respect, collegiality, and affirmation. Without a doubt, finding a mentor is one of the most important tasks you, as a student has in your development of the nursing role.
Although the path to career success is often rocky, if you're smart you aren't doomed to travel it alone. With the guidance of a mentor, it's easier to stay on course and avoid professional pitfalls. Mentoring relationships are particularly meaningful in healthcare, experts say, where an experienced practitioner can give a personal boost to a new practitioner who is adjusting to the fast-paced, high-stress work of caring for patients.
A mentor guides a novice to become a well-rounded professional—impacting the entire profession.
During her own schooling, Linda Anderson found some nurses were very unapproachable and hated her constant questioning. Others, though, were very supportive, welcomed her questions, and gently guided her through new procedures. She wanted to ensure that more nurses would have the chance for a positive learning experience with a willing mentor.
Utilizing mentor-protégé relationships throughout a career span in nursing can offer professional support whether for a new graduate or for one of the job changes we all will most likely face whether by design or circumstance. In addition, both protégé and mentor benefit and frequently a new friendship evolves. Protégés gain new knowledge and skills, often have increased opportunities to achieve, and grow in an environment of emotional support provided by a mentor. This article takes a look at e-mail mentoring as a viable way for mentors and mentees to connect.
NOTE: To read the full article, click on the title
Alamo Community College District
Worried about pharmacology math? Want a little extra practice? This tutorial from Alamo Community College District guides you through common problems step-by-step. It also features online quizzes covering equivalencies, abbreviations, ratio and proportion (basic & IV), titration and pediatric calculations.
University of Utah
Want a pathophysiology review? Take these online quizzes from the University of Utah covering general pathology, organ system pathology and clinical pathology with images!
Nursing Center
Over the years, there has been a multitude of cases brought against nurses and their employers for negligence and professional malpractice. Malpractice is a form of negligence. When a person commits a negligent act in his professional capacity and that act causes an injury, it's known as malpractice. To be successful in such a suit, the person suing (the plaintiff), must prove that the professional conduct of the person being sued (the defendant) lacked due care and thereby caused the plaintiff an injury. Learning about the errors of colleagues can help you avoid making the same mistakes.
Written by an internationally recognized pain management expert, this excellent resource outlines the ABCs of pain management for nurses in all specialties and will help nurses comply with the new JCAHO standards of pain management. Learn more about pain assessment tools and techniques, the use of analgesics and nonpharmacological pain relief methods, and important patient teaching resources.
A blend of compassion and finely honed nursing skills is required to implement the process of nasogastric tube insertion. Gastrointestinal procedures evoke a considerable amount of anxiety. Imagine your own response if that long, rubbery tube were to be placed down your nose. The patient requires your understanding and detailed explanations in order to maintain personal dignity and a cooperative spirit. The site demonstrates the intricacies of caring for the patient requiring a nasogastric tube.
Your First Year as a Nurse by Donna Cardillo
You've made it through nursing school, you've passed the NCLEX and you've landed your first job - great! But now what? Making the transition from student to professional nurse can be scary and overwhelming. Never fear - help is here!
Your First Year As a Nurse
by Donna Cardillo is the resource we've all been waiting for! Filled with practical advice, honest insights and inspirational anecdotes, this book is a comprehensive guide to surviving your first year as a practicing nurse. A host of wisdom is offered on finding your professional stride, making the most of your preceptor and mentor relationships, working with your teammates and supervisors, interactions with physicians, networking and career guidance, dealing with difficult people, managing difficult situations and avoiding early burnout. It offers checkpoints to objectively assess how you are doing and gives a realistic picture of what you can expect your first year out. Be sure to also check out the sage advice for men in nursing and for LPNs. Your First Year as a Nurse will keep you motivated, on-track and in the know.
I highly recommend this book for all new nurses and future nurses - Donna Cardillo has crafted a complete support resource you will return to again and again. For the real inside scoop, get Your First Year as a Nurse!
This month, The Student Nurse Advisor offers some tips for memorization:
DO make associations - link the new information to things you have previously learned.
DO use repetition - make flashcards
DON'T try to cram at the last minute. Set aside time each night for review - your stress level will decrease significantly and your retention will skyrocket.
Having Problems with a Particular Class? Try Our Lifelines!
There's always one class that seems impossible, no matter how diligent you are in your studies. Sometimes, a little outside help - a different way of explaining complex material, alternative support materials or extra practice quizzes - can make all the difference in the world. To help you out, we've created the Lifelines pages. Covering typically problematic courses, these pages offer links to course-specific tutorials, online quizzes and free downloads you can use to help supplement your studies and succeed in school! Current lifelines include Algebra, Anatomy, Biology, Chemistry, Microbiology, Nutrition, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Physiology and Statistics. We've done the research so you don't have to! For links to the best information on the net to help you excel - check out our Lifelines pages today!
Tricks of the Trade
Thank you for subscribing to The Student Nurse Advisor! We welcome your thoughts always. Please e-mail Stephanie Thibeault at with your comments and suggestions!
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