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elcome to the Student Nurse Forum Classifieds - a service we offer for free to our visitors. Preference is given to ads related to nursing, education and healthcare, but all ads meeting submission guidelines will be considered. Place your ad here for free! Please review the Guidelines for Submission, then Submit Your Ad.
Items For Sale
The newest disposable wound measuring device. 100/pkg. $15.00. Free shipping. ALSNA approved. Designed by nurses, for nurses, and other medical professionals.
Gerry Martin-Hall
5145 - 33rd Terrace No.
St. Petersburg, FL 33710
Quality Medical Supplies at 30-50% Below Retail
We carry a full line of digital and manual BP monitors, diagnostic sets, stethoscopes, otoscope/
ophthalamoscope, and many other items. We are RNs! Please visit our online store.
Innovative Medical Supplies
Joseph Rybicki
45 Vance Ave, Erial, NJ 08081
Custom Made Scrubs
Scrubs by Janice Custom Made Scrubs offers the health-care professional an alternative to those boring old scrubs! Over 40 prints! Sizes 2T to 5X. Matching accessories, too!
Scrubs by Janice
Janice Wisneski
4904 Lynn Lane
Valparaiso, IN 46383
Assistive/Adaptive Technology
Free product search and referrals program for locating assistive technology! is a builder and supplier of high-tech augmentative communication devices, on-screen keyboards, computer access equipment and cognitive rehabilitation tools.
D. Gerard
P.O. Box 572190, Houston TX 77257
Get a Quick-E!
Clinical reference where you need it: at the bedside. The latest in
your specialty in a friendly and easy to access format. Bandido Books - Keeping Nursing at Clinical Speed!
(pictured: Martin's Quick-E Critical Care Nursing Reference)
Bandido Books
Martin Schiavenato
9806 Heaton Court, Orlando FL 32817
Quick Reference Systems
Pocket -sized, Medical Quick Reference Guides and Worksheets for professionals and student nurses. Our Signature Quick Reference Systems (QRS) correlate theory with clinical practice mandates in a convenient, user-friendly format. Clinically Proven Effective!
JaLor Medical References
Susan Barry
12204 Bridgehead Place
Richmond, VA 23059
Quality Nursing Supplies!
Supplying nursing supplies such as Littmann stethoscopes, Welch Allyn diagnostic equipment, nursing bags, sphygmomanometers, pediatric scales, thermometers & blood pressure cuffs to nurses worldwide for the past 55 years! Come and see what we can do for you.
Hopkins Medical Products
Andrew Bartels
5 Greenwood Pl., Baltimore, MD 21208
Conversions Made Easy!
Conversions Made Easy has made learning easy! This copyright chart is one of kind. It makes learning all three systems easy, serves as a safeguard tool and promotes safety in the work place. Visit our website today!
Conversions Made Easy, Inc.
Carol Watanabe
252 Old Sulphur Springs Rd.
Manchester, MO 63021
 Are you a bookseller? Do you sell reference books? Place your ad here - FREE!
RNs, LPNs, CNAs. For nurses, by nurses.Develop your resume online and add it to our employment database - FREE!
Pat Mahan
2228 Rollins Dr., Alexandria, VA 22307
Nurses Service Organization (NSO) is dedicated to serving the professional liability, life, and disability insurance needs of nursing professionals and students nationwide.
Nurses Service Organization
Jerry Moyer
159 East County Line Road
Hatboro, PA 19040
Nursing Jobs, Continuing Education, Resources, Scrubs, Stethoscopes & Community!
30,000 nursing jobs, instant ceu's, free ceu directory, resources for all nurses, discount stethoscopes, scrub sets from as low as $15.95!
Sara Ollar
28422 Chat Drive
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
1- 870-257-5339
It's how nurses
use the internet!
Find practically anything nursing related! Free Newsletter, Active Nursing Discussions, Website Directory, News, Jobs and more! Visit today!
Brian Short
8930 177th Street W
Lakeville, MN 55044
RN,LPN,CNA,LVN,etc, to fill travel and registry positions. Choose any location you desire. Excellent pay and benefits.
Readylink Healthcare
Sherry-Ann Hector
RNs, LPNs, CNAs. For nurses, by nurses. Our job directory is one of the easiest to search on the net. Jobs and much more for new grads.
Pat Mahan
2228 Rollins Dr., Alexandria, VA 22307
We are looking for RN's and LPN's who are interested in travel positions. If you are interested in travel nursing please give me a call at 1-888-732-1113, ext 378
Beth Gallihue
297 S. Newtown Square Road
Newtown Square, PA 19073
1-888-732-1113, ext. 378
Gain a wealth of experience by becoming a traveling nurse.
RN's needed for traveling positions in various locations. Excellent pay and benefits.
OMS Nurse Recruiters
Anita Crew-Rozsa
5360 Brooklands Drive, Hudson, OH 44236 1-330-656-3496
Fresh start employment search web site for APN, Corporate, Nurses in Transition, Alternative Employment, BSN preferred jobs, Non-traditional, RN, LPN, LVN, graduate nurse jobs, etc. Over 100 specialties. Transfer your skills into a new industry.
P. S. Wooten
280 Worcester Road, Suite 250 Framingham, MA 01702
Accurate, convenient, and affordable access to continuing education can now be obtained by perinatal healthcare professionals via the Internet with the MED ED Resources, Inc. interactive web site!
MED ED Resources, Inc.
Mariann Hisel, RNC, BSN, MBA
P.O. Box 1978, Crystal Lake, IL 60039
Online Healthcare Certification
Become A Certified
Legal Nurse Consultant!
National Certification to become a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant presented by the Institute and the pioneer of legal nurse consulting, Vickie L. Milazzo, RN, MSN, JD. Home-Study or 6 Day Live Seminar available. Sign up for a FREE legal nurse consulting Ezine today!
Medical-Legal Consulting Institute, Inc.
Nikki Saladino
Do you provide distance learning or online education programs? Place your ad here - FREE!
Do you offer traditional degree programs in nursing or LPN training programs? Place your ad here - FREE!
Volunteer & Internship Opportunities
Volunteers Needed!
Nurse midwives, Obstetricians, Neonatologists, OB Nurse Practitioners, Neonatal Nurses, Ultrasound Technicians needed for Maternal Infant Health Program, Pristina, Kosovo. Overseas experience strongly preferred. Positions for 3, 6 or 12-months, 2000/2001. Send CV and cover: MIH Recruitment by email to or fax (212) 226-7026.
Doctors of the World is a non-profit organization which relies on the support of volunteers and private donors to provide medical care to the world's most vulnerable people. Since 1990, Doctors of the World-USA has provided medical and humanitarian assistance to those in the greatest need in more than 20 nations -- from the people of war-ravaged Kosovo to abandoned children in Russia to indigenous Indians in Chiapas to South Africans devastated by tuberculosis.
Doctors of the World, USA
Olivia Tecosky
375 West Broadway, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10012
FAX: 1-212-226-7026
Feel Great - Lose Weight!
Ready to lose those unwanted pounds? Safe, simple, All Natural! Look GREAT for the Holidays! Call or e-mail me to find out how I lost 10 pounds in 8 days!
It's Only Natural
Royal Oak, MI 48067
Income Opportunity
What happens when the leader in preventive health care and sports nutrition develops a turnkey e-commerce business system? An explosive income opportunity called... Rexall
Rexall International
Aaron Johnson
12129 nw 52 Ct, Coral Springs, FL 33076
24-Hour Recording 1-800-350-8707
Disclaimer: The Student Nurse Forum does not endorse or guarantee any items or services offered through these classified ads. These ads have not be investigated or reviewed by the Student Nurse Forum. The classified ads on this page are offered as a free service to visitors. As with any transaction, please use good judgement and research prior to purchasing goods or services. The Student Nurse Forum is not responsible for any loss, damages or dissatisfaction resulting from the purchase of goods or services on this page.
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1. This site is rated for all audiences. Any ads submitted pertaining to goods, services or websites of an adult nature or containing adult/pornographic content will be rejected. Additionally, any ads related to or promoting racism, discrimination of any type, or any form of intolerance/hate will not be accepted. This includes, but is not limited to, bias based on: gender, sexual orientation, race, national origin, ethnic heritage, religious affiliation, marital status, age and/or disability.
2. Priority and preference is given to ads pertaining to education, nursing or healthcare. Other ads will be considered at the discretion of the site leader.
3. Ads should be no more than 30 words in length. The site leader reserves the right to edit ads for clarity, spelling, punctuation and grammar.
4. E-mail and url links will be accepted and are not included in the 30 word maximum.
5. Small logos, buttons, pictures and banners (no greater than 186x81 pixels) will be accepted for inclusion with a valid ad. Only ONE logo, button, picture or banner per ad, please.
6. Once posted, ads will remain on the site for 30 days, or until the submitter asks for its removal, whichever comes first. Ads can be renewed by e-mailing the site leader at
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