absent, lack (abiotic)
able to, capable of (viable)
ray (actinomycetes)
air (aerobic)
white (streptomyces albus)
change (ameboid)
around (amphitrichous)
starch (amylase)
absent, lack of (anaerobic)
up (anabolism)
opposed to (antimicrobial)
opposed to (antimicrobial)
ancient (archaeobacteria)
bag (ascus)
gold (staphylococcus aureus)
self (automorph)
self (automorph)
a little stick (bacillus)
base, pedestal (basidium)
leech (bdellovibrio)
life (biology)
bud (blastospore)
cattle (mycobacterium bovis)
short (lactobacillus brevis)
butter (butyric acid)
curved (campylobacter)
cancer (carcinogen)
a nut (eukaryote)
cheese (caseous)
a stalk (caulobacter)
hron (keratin)
covering (chlamydospores)
green (chlorophyll)
color (chromosome)
golden (streptomyces chryseus)
killing (bactericide)
eyelash (cilia)
closed (cleistothecium)
together (concentric)
together (concentric)
berry (coccus)
shared (coenocyte)
colon (escherichia coli)
colon (escherichia coli)
dust (conidia)
club (corynebacterium)
small form (particle)
the skin (firmicutes)
blue (cyanobacteria)
bladder (cystitis)
cell (cytology)
undoing, removal (deactivation)
twice, double (diphlococci)
twice, double (diphlococci)
through, between (diaphragm)
difficult, faulty (dysfunction)
outside, away from (excrete)
outside, away from (excrete)
outside, away from (excrete)
in, inside (encysted)
in, inside (encysted)
intestine (enterobacter)
dawn, early (eobacterium)
upon, over (epidemic)
red (erythema)
well, proper (eukaryote)
outside, outer layer (exogenous)
outside, beyond (extracellular)
strong (bacillus firmus)
a whip (flagellum)
yellow (flavobacterium)
fruit (fructose)
to make (magnify)
milk (galactose)
to marry (gamete)
stomach (gastritis)
to stiffen (gel)
an agent that initiates (pathogen)
formation (pathogenesis)
bud (germ)
bud (germ)
reproduction (schizogony)
thin (aquaspirillum gracile)
salt (halophile)
one, single (haploid)
blood (haemophilus)
blood (haemophilus)
blood (haemophilus)
liver (hepatitis)
creeping (herpes)
different, other (heterotroph)
tissue (histology)
same (homofermenter)
same (homofermenter)
water (dehydration)
water (dehydration)
excess (hypertonic)
below, deficient (hypotonic)
not, in (impermeable)
between (intercellular)
within, inside (intracellular)
violet (iodine)
equal, same (isotonic)
inflammation of (colitis)
a nut (eukaryote)
movement (streptokinase)
milk (lactose)
scaly (leprosy)
thin (leptospira)
whiteness (leukocyte)
fat, lipid (lipase)
fat, lipid (lipase)
the study of (pathology)
tuft (lophotrichous)
light (luciferin)
light (luciferin)
yellow (micrococcus luteus)
yellow (micrococcus luteus)
break down (hydrolysis)
largeness (macromolecules)