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The Student Nurse Challenge
ot the blahs? Feeling like school will never end? We know how you feel! That's why we've decided to start a monthly challenge for student nurses - a great way to perk everyone up and to give away great prizes!
So what IS the challenge? To share your nursing school experiences with other student nurses. We have a collective pool of wisdom and advice here that new students can benefit from. We're not talking about book smarts; we're talking about the good stuff - things you wish you had known or tips you learned along the way that made nursing school easier or more manageable. Each month, we will pose a fun discussion topic for sharing (such as, "What's your favorite quick snack to take to school with you?" or "What is your best tip for clinicals?"). We will post the answers we receive and all participants will be entered in a random drawing for that month. The winner will receive a free prize. Sound like fun? We think so!
The May, 2002 Student Nurse Challenge:
 This month, we are giving away a Quick-E Medical Surgical Clinical Nursing Reference book from Bandido Books! This fantastic quick-reference book is designed for the nurse-generalist. It includes laboratory values, an assessment guide, nutrition and drug sections, as well as the 1999-2000 NANDA diagnoses classifications. Quick-E's fit in your pocket for maximum portability during clinicals - you will love this book!
The topic for sharing this month is:
"What are your favorite nutritious snacks and quick meals
for busy students on the go?"
Submit your tried-and-true tip to share with others and be entered to win the Quick-E Med-Surg Clinical Nursing Reference Guide! Sumission deadline is June 15, 2002. The May Student Nurse Challenge winner will be announced in the June, 2002 edition of The Student Nurse Advisor, our free monthly e-zine for nursing students. Winner will be notified by e-mail.
To see entries received so far for the May Challenge, click here!
Winner to be announced June 15, 2002!
To see entries received for the April Challenge, click here!
Congratulations to our April Challenge winner, Theresa M. of Midland, TX!
To see entries received for the March Challenge, click here!
Congratulations to our March Challenge winner, Julie R. of Cohoes, NY!
To see entries received for the February Challenge, click here!
Congratulations to our February Challenge winner, Christine R. from Athens, GA!
What are your favorite nutritious snacks and quick meals for busy students on the go? Let us know and be entered to win! Use the submission form below, or e-mail! Put "Challenge Submission" in the subject line of your e-mail.
Please note: By submitting your response, you are agreeing to allow the Student Nurse Forum to publish your advice, tips and experiences on this website for the benefit of other nursing students. Your e-mail address will NOT be added to our mailing list, nor will it (or any other identifying information) be stored or shared with third parties. We respect your privacy!
Chances of winning monthly prize depend on the total number of entries received. Many will enter (we hope!) but only one will win. No purchase necessary to enter or win. Enter as often as you'd like!