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Assistive Technology
High-tech assistive, adaptive & accessibility aids for children & adults with disabilities and special needs
Books - Nursing & School Reference
Publishers of relevant and useful reference materials for the practice and employment of nursing, including the popular Quick-E pocket reference specialty guides. Founded by nurses.
Publishers of Taber's and other medical, nursing & health professions texts, references and resources for over a century.
Care Plans
Dedicated to providing caregivers a place to share ideas and resources, with a specific goal to address the entire care planning process including assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation as defined in the nursing process. Site includes a large care plan library and message/chat forums.
Overview of assessment, diagnosis, planning, interventions and evaluation.
From the University of Buffalo, the Nursing Care Plans List Archives contain 5 years' worth of care plan submissions you can review. Searchable by topic!
RN Central maintains a database of 50 printable, pre-defined care plans you can modify. They also have a blank care plan format you can print out and use.
This site has several good care plans for review.
Guidelines for writing care plans, interviewing patients and using Gordon's 11 functional patterns.
RNs - Advance Your Career Online With Jacksonville University's Online RN to BSN degree.
Employment RECOMMENDED SITE! Nursing jobs, free resume service - for nurses, by nurses
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