2. Who introduced the use of disinfectant agents to clean surgical wounds in order to control infections in humans? Redi Semelweiss Jenner Lister
3. Which one of the following is NOT a basic shape of bacteria? bacillus coryne coccus vibrio
4. Which of the following is a descriptive prefix for bacteria appearing in clustered groups? staphylo stepto terminal coryne
5. Which of the following is NOT a method of aseptic technique? autoclaving washing hands air filters freezing
6. The study of fungi is: Parasitology Etiology Mycology Virology
7. A non-living organism that transmits disease is called a: Host Fomite Vector Reservoir
8. Which pentose sugar is found in DNA? Polysaccharide Sucrose Ribose Deoxyribose
9. What is the monomer of which proteins are composed? Monosaccharides Fatty acids Amino acids Nucleotides
10. Which part of a phospholipid is hydrophilic? The polar head The bilayer The terminal bulge The non-polar tails
11. Which type of organic polymer is an enzyme? Nucleic acids Proteins Lipids Polysaccharides
12. Which structure determines whether a cell is gram positive or gram negative? Centriole Cytoplasm Plasmid Cell wall
13. Gram negative cells have: Teichoic acids Periplasmic space Lipopolysaccharides Both B and C
14. Gram positive cells: Produce exotoxins Have an outermembrane Have a thick layer of peptidoglycan Both A and C
15. Which of the following bacteria are acid-fast? Mycobacterium Clostridium Neisseria Corynebacterium
16. Which of the following are strict anaerobes? Escherichia coli Bacillus anthracis Clostridium perfringens Virbrio cholerae
17. Which term designates flagellae that are evenly distributed on the surface of a bacterium? Lophotrichous Peritrichous Atrichous Streptotrichous
18. Which of the following bases is NOT found in RNA? Adenine Uracil Guanine Thymine
19. Which bacteria can survive best in a medium hypertonic to most bacteria? Clostridium Corynebacterium Streptococcus Mycobacterium
20. Which of the following antibiotics do NOT bind with the ribosomes of bacteria? Streptomycin Tetracycline Erythromycin Penicillin
21. A nosocomial infection is Acquired from aerosols Acquired from a hospital Acquired by exchanging bodily fluids Acquired in a social setting
22. Which term refers to a decomposition reaction in which a complete water molecule is added back into a compound? Condensation Dehydration Hydrolysis Denaturization
23. What is the most common type of dye used on bacteria? Cationic No charge Anionic Protonic
24. Which nucleotide is antiparallel? DNA RNA Both A and B Neither A nor B
25. Which of the following structures are designed to resist phagocytosis? Phagocyte Inclusion granules Glycocalyx Golgi complex
26. Which of the following antibiotics are selectively toxic to fungi? Amphotericin B Erythromycin Augmentin Ceclor
27. Which of the following is NOT true of metachromatic granules? Composed of volutin Are found on spirochetes Composed of inorganic phosphate Are one type of cytoplasmic inclusion
28. Who developed the Germ Theory of Disease? Koch Fleming van Leeuwenhoek Pasteur
29. Which term refers to the study of the cause or source of a disease? Etiology Epidemiology Immunology Microbiology
30. The best definition of "sterile" from the choices below is Clean Not infected with pathogenic microorganisms Not infected with microorganisms Not infected with staphylococcus
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